Monday, March 27, 2017
Android EditText onFocus and onBlur Example
Android EditText onFocus and onBlur Example
I have just submitted the following letter to RSC News, which is published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
The quality of soil cannot be over-emphasised, as was alluded to in the September issue of RSC News, and indeed pointed-out in 1937 by the then U.S. president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in a letter to State Governors saying that: “The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself," urging uniform soil conservation laws. Roosavelt was aware too of the importance of phosphorus in soil, though the agriculture in the U.S. was far less dependent on rock phosphate as a fertilizer, and indeed the rest of the world, than is the case now. According to some estimates, the production of rock phosphate will peak around the year 2030, with potentially catastrophic consequences for world food production in the subsequent years. A wholesale conservation of phosphorus is necessary, including from human and animal waste, to allay this situation, and methods of regenerative agriculture and permaculture should be researched and developed which both reduce inputs of synthetic and mined fertilizers, and rebuild the organic component of soil, including its mycorrhizal fungi, which act symbiotically with the roots of plants, and provide nutrients (including phosphate) to the plants in exchange for carbohydrate delivered from the plant as formed by photosynthesis. As a rider to this, the excessive application of phosphate fertilizer discourages the growth of the fungi, and renders agriculture yet further dependent on artificial inputs of phosphorus, in a pseudo-addictive fashion. It has been stated that, if done over the worlds 15 million square kilometers of arable land, some 40% of anthropogenic carbon emissions might be sequestered in soil through the implementation of regenerative practices.
Chris Rhodes
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