Sunday, March 26, 2017
Android switch button example
Android switch button example
Hello dear void...
Im sick today and like any other sick days I am just bored out of my wits bedridden and unable to do anything. I think I have been stuck in my apartment for 5 days straight now, talk about being quarantined like a swine flu patient! Actually perhaps not completely quarantined as my sister has been breathing and eating along side with me all these times...and she does not seem to display any signs of flu like symptoms!
One does have a lot of time to ponder about life when sick with burning fever. With my ice-pack on my forehead, I thought about what I want to do for the next half of the year, and for a split second even came up with ideas on what to email my bosses for not ever returning to work. I imagine I must have smiled with that thought in mind... But now that Im much more awake and less feverish, I am back to reality :p I know that In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his true is that?! No matter what I plan for myself, at the end of the day, He is in control of everything.
Anyways, so I havent been doing a great deal of cooking because Ive been eating out heaps! I hope to eventually get into cooking again after I recover and things settle down....
Here are some pics...

But its so worth it...The nicest lemon tart Ive tried :P

Last not least, banana cake from Nigellas How to be a domestic Goddess!
Available link for download