
Monday, May 1, 2017

APK Editor Pro v1 3 12 Paid Version

APK Editor Pro v1 3 12 Paid Version

Spring is here! Its been pretty rainy in ATL, with a few sunshiny days scattered in here in there.

Yesterday, I walked into the living room and saw this happy moment in front of me...

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The door to the powder bathroom was peeking open, and everything was colorful and happy and very "me" :)

So I took a picture! Lately I have been trying to analyze what, exactly, my style is (because, like many of you, its really just a mish-mash of styles), and I think when it comes down to it, it can be summed up in a few words: fun, colorful, vintage and eclectic. 

I love a white backdrop, and color to layer in on top of it. My collection of found objects and weird things from thrift stores always makes me (and others!) smile, and then my art all over the house is usually pretty funny and/or eye-catching. 

In that photo above, the pineapple wall is peeking in (see my hand-drawn pine apple "wallpaper" bathroom wall post here).

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as is one of my abstract canvas paintings, over the chair. 

Now that I think about it, I also painted that starburst mirror and upholstered the chair myself. Nothing is safe from me! haha. 

Here was my post about the sunburst mirror.

I found it in DC on a trip to visit my brother, and it used to be gold. At the time, I thought it would be better silver, so I painted it (of course).


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And, I found that trashcan at Target (it was white and I sprayed it gold for the pineapple bathroom!) and painted it too. What is wrong with me? Stand still long enough, and I might paint you, too.

Anyway, this "moment" at my house makes me really happy because it really encapsulates my style. Ever evolving and changing, but remaining playful, colorful and vintage. 

...and speaking of colorful and eclectic, I stopped by Anthropolgie recently, and loved this candleabra:

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So cool, right?! It was about a foot and a half tall. I took the photo, because I always see brass pieces at Sam Flax and wonder what I can make with them. This candelabra inspired me! Although, it was around $100, so thats probably a great price for so much work. But it would be fun to try my hand at making one ;)

I spent a good amount of time over at clients yesterday, hanging art and photos. We are getting verrrrry close to finishing her house.

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I love these chairs that finally came in from Room and Board, paired with the rug from Pottery Barn. Her living room is looking so cute!

Alright, Im off to attack my day. Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday.

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