Wednesday, April 26, 2017
An Unwanted Visitor… The Flu Bug!
An Unwanted Visitor… The Flu Bug!
We have a visitor making the way around the 3B classroom. It has already hit many, including myself, and has a few survivors yet to conquer. Who is it you ask. IT IS….The Flu Bug!!!

I have to say, it has been a rough month of illnesses in 3B for everyone, including myself. Wow! I am hoping that once we get through this month, April will start out healthier for everyone! At least the flu bug is short lived, meaning only lasting a few days, but it is nasty!
Just a reminder that if your child is showing symptoms of the flu (fever, dizziness, throwing up, pale complexion etc.) please keep them home. We dont want to spread everything around. Also remember that if your child does throw up, he/she should not return to school until they have been feeling better and have not throw up for at least 24 hours.
We are also on our last bottle of hand sanitizer if anyone would like to send an extra one to school with their 3B child. Thank you ahead of time!
Available link for download