
Friday, April 21, 2017

And deep deep in the forest

And deep deep in the forest

Hi there.
Thanks for popping in today.
It’s been a cold, wet day here.
Attended the funeral of a dear friend’s Mum.
It was actually - dare I say it - a lovely funeral,
followed by an excellent afternoon.

Ran out of hours in the day for getting arty today,
but then I remembered a superb piece of artwork which another Barbara -  Barbara Lancaster - created for the TV show.

It didn’t get shown on telly
because the camera couldn’t pick up the inner scene.

Barbara had evidently spent an age on it, 
cutting out the top tree layer,
So I thought we’d blog it up close.

I’m sure Barbara will not mind my showing off her wonderful 3-D art. Very clever - just like her.

Upon closer inspection, I see she used both stencils.
Mel drew the main treescape here:
click here

and then I followed on with the compliment, here:
click here

Can you see the little snowman deep inside the forest?
isn’t that so lovely??

See him?
He’s in the Sled Stamp set.
click here

Barbara has combine the two stencils and cut out between the trees to create an aperture in the woods.

Pretty awesome actually.

It’s so excellent in the hand.
Quite difficult to appreciate even up close with photos. 

But you can see, can’t you?

Thank you Barbara. 
Great job x 

Time for bed said Zebedee.
It’s been a long day

Love & hugs

Available link for download