
Friday, May 26, 2017

Announcing two new series

Announcing two new series

In addition to the already running Ton of Protein series, I would like to announce two more. They are

1. Indian Winter : Indian Winter ? Whats that?, you might wonder. We know Indian Summer, but winter...does it even exist? Well, yes. Although it isnt as *wintery* as the winters outside the tropics, it sure does exist. This month, we have already had a minimum temperature of 10.1°C here in Pune. Now you are convinced, arent you? :)
So, what will this series have? Basically, I will blog about vegetables and preparations that are typical to winter here. How the series develops in the course of time will have to be seen.

2. The Unbeatable Root : I plan to paint the town red with this one. :)
Leaving wordplay aside (Did I hear you say Thank God!?), this series will feature recipes with the Beetroot.

Hope you like them both.

Available link for download