Sunday, March 5, 2017
Anton Corbijn talked about Rob at the Guanajuato Film Festival
Anton Corbijn talked about Rob at the Guanajuato Film Festival
"I had noticed that he took papers out of the ordinary (Bel Ami and Cosmopolis) wanting to see that it was a real actor; and good in his life he is chased by photographers, and now he must act as one,"
“Although many related and pigeonhole the name of Robert Pattinson in the Twilight series, there are others, such as Dutch director Anton Corbijn who see beyond the stigma and / or social labels.
So it is not unreasonable offer made British actor Dennis Stock’s role, that famous photographer 50s that caught James Dean three months before his death in the film Life.
“After I felt Twilight Robert tried to choose characters away from this whole saga.
“He wants to prove to the world that is a real actor can do challenging roles and that reminded me of Dennis Stock, a photographer in his early wanted to check I was good at what he did. That part was something I found in common between the two.
On the other hand, Robert is always being chased by photographers and I liked the idea that the film had to act like a photographer behind a star, he said to questions expressed by Excelsior, Anton Corbijn.
The filmmaker, who likewise attended the Festival last year to promote The most wanted man, was forceful in ensuring that while speaking of James Dean Life is not a movie about him, but the man behind the lens that made him some emblematic images that turned it around the world.
“Whoever thinks that this film is about James, I’m afraid to say that is not so.
“In fact, when I was offered the script I did not care because I did not want to make a film about James Dean, however, when I began to see that the story was more about the photographer, I felt identified because basically that’s what I’ve been doing since 40 years ago, “he said Corbijn.”
El Universal
“For Robert Pattinson after Twilight had shown that he wanted to remove the image of easy film actor, he was chosen to star in Life , directed by Anton Corbijn.
On the tape plays professional photographer Dennis Stock, who came to have a friendly relationship with James Dean, legend of cinema. That closeness was born after the image Stock Dean took in 1955.
“I had noticed that he took papers out of the ordinary ( Bel Ami and Cosmopolis ) wanting to see that it was a real actor; and good in his life he is chased by photographers, and now he must act as one, “the director recalled yesterday. …”
“Later, the filmmaker opened a a time for questions and answers …. About elect Pattison [sic] for the role of the photographer, he said he and Stock have some in common, at the time Stock sought the recognition, Same with Pattison [sic], who sought the chance to prove he’s a serious actor despite recent films that launched him to fame. He said he was not interested in making a film about the life of James Dean, the script liked by character of the photographer and that is why in Friday night hundreds of people had the opportunity to see the film to be released in theaters later this year.”
La Cronica
“The film, which was presented for the first time in February, within the framework of theBerlin International Film Festival, is an honest portrait of the friendship between the twocharacters which also highlights the performance of Pattinson, “I wanted to work with himbecause in his last films has shown that he is an actor capable of making a complex role beyondmovies like Twilight and has tried to prove that he has more talent and I think that thephotographer of the film is very similar, because you want to prove that it is capable of workingfor a major magazine”, Corbijn explained
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