
Monday, May 8, 2017

Another Netbeans 6 tip

Another Netbeans 6 tip

I previously wrote about not installing multiple versions of Netbeans 6 and now I would like to include another tip.

When installing a new version of Netbeans 6, while uninstalling your previous version make sure you remove the .netbeans directories. Otherwise the support for creating Tests in Composite Applications doesnt work.

In fact just delete the following before each new install and you will have better luck:
  • rm $USER_HOME/.asadminpass
  • rm $USER_HOME/.asadmintruststore
  • rm -rf $USER_HOME/.openesbinstaller_[machine_name]
  • rm -rf $NETBEANS_HOME/.netbeans
  • rm -rf $NETBEANS_HOME/.netbeans-derby
Note this is on Linux using the most recent version 20080402. Not sure where the directories are placed or called on windows. Also I believe older versions of Netbeans 6 placed the .netbeans* directories under $USER_HOME, so you might check there as well.

Available link for download