C++ Program to Compute The Least Common Multiple of Integers
C++ program to compute the LCM of two numbers. Least Common Multiple can be gotten by dividing the numbers by their common factors.Using the logic below, we can also find write a program to calculate the LCM for more numbers.
//C++ program that computes the least common multiple of two integers. These are represented as a and b below.
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b,i,j; //Variable declarations clrscr; cout<<"enter a number: "; cin>>a; cout<<"enter a number: "; cin>>b; i=a ; j=b; if(a==0||b==0) //Checks if either a OR b is0 cout<<" The LCM is 0"; //If 0fromtheconditionabove, a display message is output to the screen else { while(a!=b)//While the value of a isnot equal to b execute the statements below { if(a>b) b=b+j; else if(a<b) a=a+i; } cout<<"LCM:"<<" "<<a; } }