Chennai Auto Fares is an application for Chennai (Tamil Nadu, India) based auto travellers to use during a travel in an Auto to calculate the estimated fares between two locations. It display information about total distance between two locations and its corresponding fare. Fares are calculated based on the latest rates published by the Government of Tamil Nadu along with the phone numbers to be contacted in case of complaints about discrepancy with the fare asked by the auto drivers.
Chennai Auto Fares application also allows the user to enter the auto number and send a SMS text message to any one - this safety feature was introduced after getting the inputs from the users of the application.
Features :
1. Distance Calculation
2. Night Time calculation
3. Instant Message with Auto Number, Starting and Ending location to any mobile number
4. Complaint Numbers to contact using a single click in case of discrepancies.
5. Fares sheet as published by the Government of Tamil Nadu