Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Download YTS Driver App 1.0.1 APK for Android
ID: com.yourtaxistand.pilot
Version: 1.0.1
File Size: 1.2Mb
YTS Driver App Screenshots

YTS Driver App Details
Yourtaxistand Driver is an Android based Smartphone application that allows drivers tomanage his trips.
The Users can
1. Update his status
2. Refer attachments
3. Manage trip sheets with payment details
4. Escalate issues
5. Publish his login area plan
6. Publish his leave plan
7. Looking at the booking availability
8. Do a Meter on and Meter off
9. Logout
Yourtaxistand currently operates in Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Why yourtaxistand Driver
● Be Yourself – Driver has ultimate freedom to be himself.
● Reduce communication cost – The driver gets his information digitalized and reduced
his cost and also manages his trips well
We want to hear from you. If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please email us
or follow us on facebook:
Download YTS Driver App 1.0.1 APK
Travel And Local