
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How to Add Custom Robots Header Tags in Blogger

In this post are the guidelines on how to setup custom robots headers tags in blogger blogs. Since this feature was introduced by blogger’s developers, it has been a tool which helps to select which portion of a blog should be indexed and which should be protected from being indexed in search results. The Custom Robots Header Tags just like including a search description in blogger plays a great role in a blog’s Search Engine Optimization by improving its ranking in search engine results and driving traffic to it, thereby increasing the blog's pageviews .

These Custom robots header tags allow you to tell web crawlers not to index certain areas of your site. It is similar to Custom Robots.txt file in that they are both beneficial for getting traffic from search engines and improve a blog's visibility in search engine results. But they work differently, in Robots Header we tick the sections to be crawled while in Robots.txt file we have to write commands. Follow the steps below on how you can add custom robots header tags in your blogger blog.

Also Read: How to Add 'Search Description' On Blogger
                    How to Add  Read More Attribution Links to Copied Text in Blogger

Setup Custom Robots Header Tags

  • Goto your  Blogger dashboard.
  • Click on 'Settings'.
  • Select  'Search Preferences'.
  • Custom Robote Header Tags
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  •  Click on 'Edit'  option for custom robots header tags and tick 'Yes' to enable It.
how to add custom robots header tags

    • A dialog box as shown below will come up. Mark the appropriate fields as with the image.

      how to add custom header tags

      • Click on 'Save Changes' and you've just added custom robots header tags to your blogger blog.

      Also Read: White Hat SEO Techniques To Enhance Blog Traffic

      Meaning Of Custom Robots Header Tags In Blogger Blogs

        The meaning of the fields ticked in the image above for the robots header tags is are given below.

        This attribute means no restriction for indexing it is always default for all pages. It will crawled and indexed all the contents inside the page.

        This attribute means not to show this page in search result or in another word we say that it tells the search robots not to index the whole page.

        This attribute indicate and tells the crawler robot not to follow any links on this page.
        This attribute Equivalent to noindex, nofollow and give signal to robot not to index any page & links

        This attribute means not to show "cached" links in search result.
        This attribute means not to use metadata from the open directory project (dmoz) and do not show title and snippets for this page
        This attribute means not to show translation option in others langauge in search result for this page.

        This attribute means not to index image in search result for this page.

        This attribute ordered to the search robot not to show this page in search result after specified date/time.