
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How To Embed PDF, DOC, XLS And PPT Files In Blogger

Steps on how to embed PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT documents/files in blogger blogs are outlined in this post. With the use of Google drive, files/documents like PDFs, HTML, Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint Slides, Excel Spreadsheets etc can be added easily in blogger posts and can be made accessible to the public. Here's  how to Embed PDFs files/documents in blogger posts.

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  • Visit Google Drive
  • Click on 'New'
  • Click on 'File Upload' 
On the pop-up dialog box where you're required to select the file (PDF, DOC, XLS And PPT) to be uploaded from your PC, locate where the saved document is.
  • Select the file, then click on 'Open'.
The file is automatically uploaded and you can note the progress of the upload at the bottom right corner of the page. On completion, we'll get the embed code or shareable link of the file that has just been uploaded. To do this,

  •  Right click on the file/document
  • Select 'Open with'
  • Click on 'Google Docs'

  • On Google Docs page, Click on the 'File' menu
  • Select 'Publish to the web'.

  • Click on 'Embed'
  • Select 'Publish'
  • Copy the code provided. 

    Finally, we'll add the file in blogger post. To do this,
    • Goto your Blogger blog
    • Create a new post or open an existing post.
    • Select the HTML mode.

    • Paste the code where you want it to be displayed in the post.
    In the code, if the width and height have not been specified, you can include them. For e.g if the embed code is

    <iframe src=""></iframe>

    To increase or reduce the size of the document by specify the width and height, as in

    <iframe src="" width="600 " height="550 "></iframe>
    • Preview or publish your post. 
    Also Read: How to Make Blogger Widgets/Gadgets Sticky(Float)
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      That's how to embed PDF, DOC, XLS And PPT Files/documents in Blogger using Google Drive.