
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How to Get Quality Backlinks Fast to Your Blog

Here's how to get quality backlinks to your blog/website. Other than on page SEO practices, one will have to carry out off page SEO and the most effective is link building. To rank high in search engines so that your content gets seen, reduce your alexa rank and increase your blog's traffic, acquiring backlinks must be a priority. Some backlinks won’t improve your rankings, and some might even have a negative effect. Therefore, you should focus on acquiring high quality backlinks, the higher the quality of the backlinks, the better. Writing quality post day in day out and waiting around for search engines to finally send some traffic yo your blog might not actually work or get your content the required exposure. It'll just sit in your blog's archive till dust gets all over it. To build quality backlinks to your blog in order to improve your blog's visibility in search engines, here are some ways you can generate them.

How to get backlinks to boost seo

How to Build Quality Backlinks

Blog Commenting

An effective way of getting quality backlinks to your blog is by commenting on other blogs related to your niche. These blogs should have high PR. Some websites you visit moderate comments before it is finally posted hence, your comments must be meaningful before it gets approved. Don't go around writing stuffs like 'Thanks for sharing', 'great post, also check out my blog', 'good post, i bookmarked this page' or 'nice template'. It shows you didn't read the post and you're only out to get a link back to your blog, which is actually true, but you shouldn't make it so obvious.

Skimp through the post and have a fair idea of what the author is trying to say, with this, you can drop valuable comments and the admin won't think twice of approving it even if you've included your link in it (congrats, you're now a certified spammer.). If you don't still grasp what the post is about, you can try generic comments like:
  • Just want to say your article is outstanding. The clarity in your post is simply spectacular and i can assume you are an expert on this field. Well, with your permission, allow me to grab your Rss feed to keep up to date with incoming posts. Thanks a million and please keep up the fabulous work.
  • Great post, you seem to have a good understanding about it. When i entered your blog, i felt this. I merely found this excellent post through Google. They definitely need to position your site on the first page. Come on and keep writing and your blog will be more attractive.
  • When i came upon your site, i must say your webpage is really cool. I just love the content, its outstanding! I'm in a bit of a rush in this instance to completely read your blog, but i have favourited it. I will be back when i have some time. Bravo for the site.

You will get nofollow and dofollow backlinks from these sites which can help you with SEO. To get a list of  high PR sites to comment on, check out this post on high PR dofollow commentluv blogs 2015 .

Social Bookmarking Sites

These are online services that enable users to store, organize, search, and manage web pages. With Social bookmarking sites, you can drive traffic to your blog and build valuable high PR backlinks to it. Share your post to these sites with a catchy title and post description. Some of these sites include Delicious, Digg, Reddit, Folkd, Pinterest etc. To get more high PR social bookmarking sites to build quality backlinks to your blog, refer to this post on free high PR dofollow social bookmarking sites.

High PR Forums

Other than commenting and using social bookmarking sites to get quality backlinks to your blog, you can also try out high PR forums. On visiting these forums,  register on them, then include your site's URL in your profile and signature. This will enable you to build backlinks and also promote your site. Participate in discussions in these forums, and with your URL included in signatures, other users can visit your blog via the link. Here's a list of high PR forums for backlinks and Angela High PR Dofollow Backlinks 2015

Directory Submission Sites

These are sites you can submit your URL to be added to the website's directory. When your URL has been included, you get backlinks which can Improve your site's ranking. Some of these directories allow you to add your URL for free. I've included in this post a list of top 60 high PR dofollow directory submission sites with which you can share your URL to.


Blogging Communities

Blogging communities are one of the best ways to get quality backlinks and build a relationship with other bloggers. You can share your post to these communities where others can comment on and reshare it on on social networking sites like facebook, twitter etc. This will inturn increase your backlinks and traffic. Some blogging communities are listed below:

  • Google+ Communities : Although you get nofollow backlinks from google+ communities, joining these communities and sharing your post to them can increase your blog's pageviews. You can easily get google+1 votes. A trick you can try out is joining inspirational or jokes communities on google+ and uploading good inspirational images. Before uploading the image, add a link to one of your blog post in the post section.  Any google+1 vote on the image is a +1 vote on the post.
  • Inbound: You can also get backlinks by sharing your post to this blogging community. Inbound allows you to share your blog posts for free and also drive traffic to your site. Posts shared on inbound can also come up in search engines results.
  • Kingged: Another blogging community you can get backlinks from is Kingged. Here, you can share your blog posts, engage by commenting on the posts of others. Kingged uses the commentluv plugin that leaves one of your most recent content on any post you comment on. Also, when users comment of the post you shared on Kingged, the comments are added automatically on your blog.
  • BizSugar: BizSugar is a popular blogging community where bloggers share their articles. Whenever you get an up-vote for your article you will get one dofollow backlink from Bizsugar.
  • Klinkk: This is another popular blogging community where you can build quality backlink.

Backlinks From YouTube

Another place you can get backlinks YouTube. Although the backlinks have a nofollow attribute, in this post, I've illustrated how to get high PR 9 dofolllow backlinks from youtube.

Going through all these processes can be quite hard and time consuming, but in the long run it's worth it. After trying out the various methods listed above for getting high PR backlinks to your blog, within some days/weeks use one of these free online backlink checker tools to check your pagerank and number of alexa sites links/referring domains that are linking to your blog/website.