
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How To Get Traffic To A New Blog

A post on how to get traffic to a new blog. Having created a new blog with relevant content, the next thing any writer expects is to get readers. Also, the aim of creating a blog/site for most bloggers is to generate income using adverts, and the amount earned from the blog/site can be determined by the traffic it gets. For new bloggers, traffic is usually a challenge because of the competition out there, the priority search engines give to older blogs and being that their site is new, it might not be properly optimized for search engines.

How To Get Traffic

However, there are several sources of traffic to a website and the most common is search engines. But getting traffic from search engines to any site requires that one carry out search engine optimization techniques which are the on page and off page SEO. For newbies, this can be quite a struggle. Thinking about the processes they have to go through in understanding what each of these techniques entail and finally how they can implement them to drive quality traffic to their site.

Also, even after implementing these techniques on a new blog/site, it might take search engines some weeks or even months to update the changes on the site, thereby improving its rank on their  result pages. Hence, in this post, you'll get to know the different ways to get traffic to a new blog. With the sources outlined below, you can get referral traffic to your site.

How to Increase Your Blog's Traffic


Social Networks

By sharing your post to popular social networking sites like Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, you can also get traffic to your site. On these social networks for e.g  Facebook, this is usually done by sharing your post to multiple groups, pages, and to your profile. The groups and pages you share your post to should have thousands of fans and members  because it will determine the amount of traffic you get to your site. You can also advertise on these social networks. 

There are several social share sites that you use to promote your site. The operation of these social share sites is based on the exchanges. Here, you pay people to share your blog posts on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc. The payment is done with coins you gain by sharing or liking other peoples post, page, pics and even following them. Some of these social share sites include:

With social share buttons on your blog which will enable you readers to easily share you blog post to the social accounts, you can also increase your site's traffic.

Blogging Communities

These are communities whose members are mostly bloggers.  Here, they can share their post, comment on one another's blog post, share the post on their social accounts etc. On some blogging communities, post shared to them also appears in Google search results. By joining and sharing your post to these blogging communities, you can get traffic from it and also indirectly from search engines. Also, other members can share your post to social networking sites and in a way, this helps to promote your site. Some of these blogging communities include:

  • Kingged
  • Bizsugar
  • Blogengage
  • Google+ Communities

Blog Commenting

By commenting on blogs that receive thousands of traffic in a day, you can also get traffic to your site. This is more effective when you leave reasonable comments on their blogs and ensure your comments are among the first on the post. Visitors and the admin of the site on seeing your useful comment, will likely click on the link to visit your site. Some blogs which use the commentluv plugin will retrieve one of the most recent post on your blog and if this post interest their visitors, they can also click on it. You can easily find such blogs by using dropmylink. To do this;

  • Visit dropmylink
  • Create an account
  • Enter you blog's niche or  keyword for example, tech, or inspirational
  • Choose commentluv blogs in the drop down menu
Based on the keyword you entered, a list of commentluv blogs related to your niche will be displayed on Google.


Most people love freebies and running a contest on your blog with attractive prices for the winners can help improve your site's traffic. It could be for visitors with the highest number of comments/suggestions etc.

Other than getting traffic from the sources listed above, another advantage of sharing your post to them is that it increases the number of backlinks to your site. Acquiring backlinks is an essential off page search engine optimization technique that will help in ranking your post/pages higher in search engine result pages.