
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How to Make Your Blog Post SEO Friendly

Search Engine Optimization

Given below are tips on how  to make your blog post SEO Friendly. Search engine optimization is a technique used by webmasters to improve their site's rank and visibility in search engines like Google and Bing, thereby increasing traffic to their site. These SEO techniques are on page and off page SEO.  For on page SEO, it involves optimizing images,content etc and for off page SEO, it basically involves the process of link building.

For your blog posts to perform well in search engines by ranking high, it has to be well optimized using both on page and off page SEO techniques Although there are several sources of traffic like social networks, forums, they all require constant sharing of  your blog posts to them. Receiving traffic from search engines is better and requires less effort . This is because the amount of traffic is higher and you're not required to continually share your post like in the case of social networks. A well optimized post can drive free traffic to your site for months or even years. In this post, ways on on how optimize your blog post for search engines have been given.

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                   How to Use Google Webmaster Tools For SEO
                   Optimize H1,H2 and H3 Heading Tags In Blogger

How to Optimize Your Blog Post For Search Engines


  • Title Of Post:

Including keywords in the title of the post can rank your post higher in search engine result pages. Although most tutorials on net will advice you to use catchy titles, this  is good but in the process of attracting your readers to read your post, you should also ensure search engines can find the post by ensuring keywords are in the title especially at the beginning.

  • URL:

Also, you can edit the URL of a post before publishing it by including keywords in the URL.  Remove any irrelevant word or stop words like 'to' from the URL but do it in a way that it still makes sense when read out loud.

  • Within Post:

Including keywords at the beginning and at the end of the post.  Repeating your keywords several times within the body of the post can also help in ranking your blog higher in search engines. While doing so, you should ensure you don't go beyond the limit to avoid keyword stuffing. Most SEO experts advice on having keywords thrice in the entire post or  keywords after 100 every words in your post.

Length of Post: 

A longer post when compared with a shorter post can perform better in search engines. To increase the chances that your blog posts will come up in search engines for different related terms, you need to increase the length  of your post. Increasing the length doesn't mean you should just add unnecessary content in your post. Carry out research on the topic you'll like to write on so that you don't run out of ideas on what to include in your post.

Search description: 

For blogger blogs, you're allowed to include a search description in individual post on your blog. Include a search description for all the posts. The description is a way of telling search engines what the post is all about and help can hel rank your post higher. This description should contain your keywords and not exceed 155 characters.


Another way of optimizing your posts for search engines is by adding relevant labels that are related to the post. For the labels, you can use keywords that actually describe the post and not generic keywords. In this post for example,  the labels used are 'SEO optimization, SEO friendly, Blogging tips' instead of  'Blogging'.


After publishing the post, another effective method to use in improving its visibility is building backlinks to the post. You can share the post to forums, social bookmarking sites, comment on blogs or even guest post. Another advantage of doing this is that it will help in indexing the post faster.

Image Optimization:

Optimizing the images used in your blog posts by adding alt tags. These alt tags describe the image and since images are usually included in search results, you can also use this method drive traffic to your blog.

Also Read: How to Make Blogger Template SEO Friendly 
                   SEO Tools - Firefox Addons for Search Engine Optimization

With the above tips, you can optimize your site for search engines and drive traffic to your site .