
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How to Track Blogging Success

This is a guest post compiled by Paisley Hansen for

Establishing a successful blog entails more than just updating content regularly. You need to keep up with current trends to ensure your content remains relevant in your niche. For instance, most websites that are not mobile friendly have been faced with a challenge ranking highly. This is attributed to the fact that most users are now accessing information over their mobile devices. Apart from ensuring the website is easily accessible, you can track its performance to learn about market responsiveness of the information you share. Here are ways you can track the progress of your blog to ensure it matches with your goals and plans.

Bounce rate

The bounce rate of a blog shows the total number of visitors who arrive on the blog, but leave without doing much on the website. This could be attributed to reasons such as clicking on links that lead users to pages that contain information they are not looking for. In other cases, it could mean the user was able to find a keyword on your website linked to what they are searching but that query is not addressed on the content you have. You can use this information to implement a plan that can help to make the blog better for retention of visitors and to attract more visits.

Page views

For page views to be recorded, you can install tools like WebBeak at the backend to help you track all visits that are made on all pages within a specified period of time. This way, you are able to track the amount of traffic received on your page. You can also easily compare different content to know what can help to increase views on your blog. WebBeak is software that helps you to track the total number of views recorded on any page and they can offer an in-depth view for a small fee. You can also use the free package to track total visits made on a page every day.

Social media shares

When you build a blog and connect it with social media, you will have many people share your content if it interests them. You can easily track the number of people who share content from the blog through use of various tools. For Pinterest, you can use Pin Count, which allows you to know the number of pins and repins to your post. ShareTally is a tool that offers information about the total number of shares made including ones recorded from Pinterest. With more shares, you will understand that such content is catching, so you may opt to use a similar style while preparing content for other posts and pages on your blog.

Content by title

The content by title report helps you to scan how your content is performing when compared to other pages. You can easily note content that is gaining much preference and in future you may create similar content to keep the readers engaged. This in turn helps one to earn more traffic in the long run. For instance if you ran a security company such as Pro-Vigil, you could divide your pages into different sections just like they do, you could then track which pages get the most visitors and have the highest conversions.

Mobile devices

Google analytics offers a more sophisticated scan to show the number of people visiting your blog on mobile devices and those using their computers. This information is necessary as you may have to structure your website to allow easier access over mobile devices.

New vs returning visitors

This report allows you to have insight regarding the behavior of all visitors to your website. When there are many visitors visiting without returning, you may have to consider improving the blog to make it more impressive. This implies the content and design of the blog does not offer what most visitors are looking for.

About the Author

Paisley Hansen is a part-time freelance writer and a full-time mother.  She specializes in writing on business-focused topics and when she isn’t writing she loves spending time with the family.  Check her out on Twitter.