
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Mainboard Repair

Mainboard (motherboard) is a circuit board place various electronic components connected as microprocessor and memory (RAM, ROM, BIOS) with the other controller chip and known as the mainboard.

There are symptoms and how to cope with a broken motherboard:
Total Dead
Check the power supply: the power cable off of the power supply, unplug the socket cable Atx1 mounted on the Mainboard. After the pair back regardless, power cable, connect/short green cable pin with black cable pin, check to see if the power supply fan spinning? If it means turning power supply is good. Back off earlier connection cable and plug the cable back onto the motherboard. Atx1

Check the Jumper to Clear the CMOS Clear position, whether in or Free, usually if the new motherboard, CMOS jumper on position position Clear.

Check IC Chipset in a State are connected and at Switch On, whether or not an excess of heat, over heat means those already degraded. Chipset For CMOS IC part until recently not sold freely.

Check also whether the switch on his serve.
Dismantle the Motherboard carefully, try to clear the use, if you can use tiner tiner bottles do not in cans. After you dry clean.

Replace IC regulator located around Atx Power Connector on the motherboard.
Replace the capacity Of 1000 s/d 3300 uf/10 Volt power socket located around Atx on the motherboard. Watch out for the loading and unloading of components and make sure the power cable is connected to the electric.

Flame But Does Not Display
Try you look and listen if there is sound or beep sound. If anything, there is usually damage to the processor, memory and VGA.

Check Processor, if you hold excess heat or cold? If excess heat means the processor fan is not working properly then you replace, but if the processor doesn't work cold means broken aliases.

Check memory, usually if memory is corrupted sound beep sound on speakers as much as 3 times. In case of death, disconnect the memory using a pencil eraser to clean the pin until clean, then plug it back in. If it's still broken means there is one IC damaged his.

Check your VGA Card, unplug your VGA Card, in a State of death/off try to press, there is less likelihood of entry or try to clean the feet/pin him. If the VGA card fan, clean the fan uses.

If it still does not appear try check lest monitor the flame, to verify it is not a faulty monitor or the CPU, try you press Numlock on the keyboard, keyboards, and whether the Numlock light his flame or not. If the flame means damage to the CPU.

The standard me if correct Computer, I always clean it from dust, whether it is the motherboard, memory, CDrom, floppy disks, etc., because it is so influential that his computer what else in a State/long time no dirty to clean. But you should be careful in workmanship and don't be in a hurry.

Hang And Often Die/Restart (Reset) Itself
Check the Power Supply, try using another power supply is still restart itself or hangs. If after replacing power supply turns out good, means normal/power supply problem. Replace it because if can be fixed my own less sure if can still function properly, because the power supply is a very vital component. Moreover, for the time being power supply very cheap price, I recommend to replace it.

Check if there is a virus, anti-virus programs should always be installed and enable auto protect him. I used to use Norton Anti virus. You need to frequently update your antivirus because when there is a new variant of the virus, anti virus you will at once eliminate virus detected.

At the moment there is hang and blue screen message such as "error vxd at address ...", there is usually a problem in memory. Clear the memory is like the above step.

Try to reinstall Windows.
If it still hangs/restart your own try your review on the motherboard, you notice physical changes of components/capacitors, especially a round black there intermediate capacity 1000 µf/10Volt s/d 3300 µf/10 volt, usually seen, if the damaged look bloated/swollen and fluid or rust.

CMOS Checksum Failure (Low Battery)
Damage solution:
CMOS failure message appears (Breakage on the CMOS battery, replace battery)
Setting the date, time and other configuration in the BIOS change (After battery replaced, reset the BIOS settings do).