
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Microsoft Office 2013 Download

Microsoft has released the Office version of the touch screen, the latest version of the software market leader today. Steve Ballmer in San Francisco, as reported on BBC, explained that the Office 2013 as "ambitious release" this time.
Office 2013 is able to be used in mobile devices, cloud computing, and social media. This Software is the most popular productivity applications in the world with billions of users.

It has also become a key Microsoft revenue and keep the company continues to be the market leader.

Along the demonstration on last Monday, Mr. Ballmer and Microsoft's Office Division Vice President Kirk Koenigsbauer shows how adaptation can change in order to stay abreast of technology.

Office 2013 fully operated with touch screen, same is the case with OS Microsoft Windows 8 and also the last tablet latest, Surface, which is expected to be launched later October.

Surface will store up to half-off the two years after Apple iPad launch in the market and analysts said that the strength of the Office becomes a challenge for Microsoft to enhance footing after the PC market.

For the first time, Word, Excel, Power Point, and Outlook is controlled with a touch screen like opening, sliding, pinching to zoom can be done on the documents, files, and presentations.

"Office 2013 designed to be more" immersive "," viscetal "and" multimedia-rich ", in contrast to the previous version" said Mr Ballmer.

The following changes occur on the Office 2013:
  • Document, slides, and presentations can be displayed on the screen of mobile, drawn, shown or hidden with a stylus or digital pen, even a finger.
  • Skype, Yammer, and social media for business is already embedded in Office 2013.
  • "Browse Cards" as the identity of the user of these applications such as photos, options to considered normal, instant message, phone, or video chat, and other activity update from Facebook and Linkedin.
  • Skydrive automatically save and synchronize all office documents across the internet, cloud-based storage. This makes the files and content that are typed can be done anywhere.