
Monday, November 2, 2015

Resolve CommentLuv Could Not Find A Feed of the Blog In Blogger

For blogger blogs encountering the error message "RSS Error: A feed could not be found at (put your RSS feed URL here). A feed with an invalid mime type may fall victim to this error, or SimplePie was unable to auto-discover it.. Use force_feed() if you are certain this URL is a real feed" while commenting of commentluv enabled blogs, in this post you'll get to know how to rectify this problem. After inserting your URL in the required field and ticking the commentluv option, if there's no RSS feed URL in your template, you'll encounter this error. If you changed your template recently, this might be the case. Commenting on commentluv enabled blogs is one of the ways of building backlinks to a site and also drive traffic it, hence an error like the one above can make that impossible.

Also Read: How to Add CommentLuv Plugin On Blogger Blogs
                   Top Commentators Widget Enabled Blogs
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How to Resolve CommentLuv RSS Error

  • From your blogger dashboard,
  • Goto Template
  • Click on 'Edit HTML'
  • In your template, use CTRL+F keys to search for the tag < head>  
  • Copy the line of code below and paste 'below' <head>

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Posts Feed" href="" />

In the code above, replace with your URL and optionally Posts Feed with your anchor text/keyword.

  • Save your template.
Also Read: How to Make Blogger Widgets/Gadgets Sticky(Float)
                   High PR Dofollow Commentluv Enabled Blogs

Following the steps above to rectify 'RSS feed not working properly with commentluv', on retrying to post a comment on one of these commentluv enabled blogs, your blog should be successfully crawled with the most current posts displayed.